Comm Eye Health South Asia Vol. 36 No. 120 2023 pp 28. Published online 25 January 2024.

Key community eye health messages

Photo: Aravind eye system, India CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Photo: Aravind eye system, India CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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Points to keep in mind while conducting surgical skill training

• Ensure that trainees prioritise patient safety above all else and understand the importance of minimising risks to patients during surgery.

• Provide trainees ample opportunities for hands-on training using surgical simulators or cadaver eyes before they perform surgery on live patients.

• Implement a structured training programme with a system of continuous assessment and feedback to track trainees’ progress and address areas needing improvement.

• Emphasise the importance of evidence-based practices and the need to stay abreast of the latest research and advancements.

Roles and responsibilities of an ophthalmic nurse in eye surgery

• Conduct a pre-operative assessment to evaluate the patient’s eye condition, medical history, and overall health to ensure their suitability for surgery.

• Confirm the patient’s identity, mark the correct eye for surgery, and obtain informed consent.

• Assist the ophthalmic surgeon by handling instruments, maintaining a clear view of the surgical field, and providing support as needed.

• Prepare for post-operative care and monitor patients as they wake up from anaesthesia.

Important considerations while performing procedures

• Perform surgical procedures with precision, dexterity, and a deep understanding of ocular anatomy and pathology to achieve successful surgical outcomes.

• Handle delicate eye tissues with extreme care and minimise trauma to surrounding structures to ensure the best possible surgical outcome.

• Maintain clear and effective communication with the surgical team, including nurses, anaesthesia providers, and operating room staff, to ensure coordination and safety throughout the procedure.