Test your knowledge and understanding

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This page is designed to help you to test your own understanding of the concepts covered in this issue, and to reflect on what you have learnt.
We hope that you will also discuss the questions with your colleagues and other members of the eye care team, perhaps in a journal club. To complete the activities online – and get instant feedback – please visit https://www.cehjsouthasia.org/
Select ALL that are TRUE
Question 1
Which of the following ocular viral diseases can be effectively treated using antiviral medications?
a. Zika virus infection
b. Cytomegalovirus retinitis
c. Herpes simplex epithelial keratitis
d. Adenoviral follicular conjunctivitis
e. Ebola uveitis
Question 2
Which of the following viral conditions can be prevented by immunisation?:
a. Adenovirus
b. Measles
c. Rubella
d. Cytomegalovirus
e. HIV
Question 3
Which of the following virus infections can cause retinitis?
a. Herpes simplex
b. Herpes zoster
c. Cytomegalovirus
d. HIV
e. Adenovirus
1. b and c. Currently there are no proven effective antiviral medications for Zika, adenovirus or Ebola uveitis.
2. b and c. Measles and rubella both have effective immunisation programmes.
3. a, b, c and d may all cause retinitis.